Last October 29 I gave a talk at FIC 2019.
FIC, which is organized by ABRADI, is a traditional event in Porto Alegre.
FIC19’s theme - New Digital Order - originates from people who, when involved with the conception and curation of the festival in recent years, observed the need to unite content already covered, making the event more interdisciplinary and cross-cutting.
My talk title was “How to save the Internet: There is still time for re-decentralization”....
Citizen register database: The Brazilian government also wants to be part of the data party
It seems like the government is always behind in everything, in Brazil it’s even worse, sometimes tragic and sometimes comical.
For over a decade Silicon Valley has popularized - and made it standard - the rampant, unscrupulous, blameless, and shameless use of internet users data.
In another silent decree, our current government comes surprising the unsuspecting, but also surprises activists, thinkers and journalists who study the subject.
Last week I got scared playing my favorite podcast in the mornings, Café da Manhã, and listened about the citizen resgister database....
Just over a year ago I reported here on the blog my social detox/rehab.
In short, I stopped using social media (I’ll still write about the benefits of being out of networks).
Twitter has always been the network where I’ve been most active, so much that in 10 years I’ve created over 10,000 tweets.
One of the main reasons I quit social media is much more linked to consumption, in other words, rolling out the timelines....