Jaydson Gomes

Software development, random capitalist daydreams, technology and society

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Programming and music (Is it possible to create music with code?)

Another vlog for the BrazilJS channel.
How about making music with programming?
If like me, you know how to code and are also a frustrated musician, I have the solution!

GitHub wants to preserve the open source legacy for 1000 years!

Video for the BrazilJS channel. (video in portuguese)
GitHub wants to preserve the open source legacy for 1000 years! 😮

The open source movement has changed the software development industry.
In the last decades we have created amazing solutions.
But how can we ensure that all this effort and revolution is not lost in extreme cases, such as disasters, or even forgetting what has been done in history over the years?
GitHub has a pretty megalomaniacal plan for it.

Should we rebrand JavaScript?

Another video for the BrazilJS channel.
Mocha, LiveScript, #JavaScript, #JS, JScript, ActionScript, #ECMAScript, ES5, ES6, ES2019, # ES2020, ES8.
It’s an alphabet soup. Should we rename the JavaScript?
In this video, I cover the topic that was discussed in an article and a podcast episode.
In addition I talked a little about the history of JavaScript and also bring arguments for both ideas of renaming JavaScript and leaving it as it is.

Is WebAssembly virus?

Another video for the BrazilJS channel on YouTube. (video in portuguese)
Is WebAssembly virus? 🤔
Of course not!

As it happens with almost all technology, vulnerabilities are always exploited.
With WebAssembly is no different.
In its stable version 1.0 being available in all major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge), WebAssembly can already be considered a pillar of web technologies.
A study published in June 2019 revealed that in the top one million websites, one in 600 uses WebAssembly.
Of these websites that runs WebAssembly, 50% are usint it with malicious intention, exploiting some vulnerability, cryptomining and malware.

What was my first programming language?

A vlog for BrazilJS’ YouTube channel (video in portuguese) about how I learned to write code and which was my first programming language.
I also talk about how was my strategies to learn and how JavaScript help me in the process.