Jaydson Gomes

Software development, random capitalist daydreams, technology and society

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Imagem do post com o título: Fuck You Instagram 🖕
Fuck You Instagram 🖕

Quit Instagram. I’m serious. Navigate to the website or the app and delete your account. Do it now, without fear. You don’t even have to backup your data, I guarantee in a few months your photos and videos will not be missed. ⌛️⌛️⌛️ Loading… Done? Of course not. It’s all right. It’s really hard, I understand. Perhaps Jaron Lanier will convince you, in text, in the book “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now”:...

TOP 5 BEST JavaScript libs that were hype in the past

Another vlog for BrazilJS’ channel.
ReactJS, VueJS, Preact, Angular, Svelte and many others are currently known libraries and frameworks, but how was this dispute years ago? Know the precursors of everything that exists today.

The new browser wars

Another vlog for the BrazilJS channel.
Want to know more about the #Browsers story and the famous 90s war?
In this video I talk about this and more, in addition to talking about the new war, one that is happening right now.

Imagem do post com o título: How I migrated 10 years of tweets to my blog
How I migrated 10 years of tweets to my blog

Just over a year ago I reported here on the blog my social detox/rehab. In short, I stopped using social media (I’ll still write about the benefits of being out of networks). Twitter has always been the network where I’ve been most active, so much that in 10 years I’ve created over 10,000 tweets. One of the main reasons I quit social media is much more linked to consumption, in other words, rolling out the timelines....

Imagem do post com o título: Blog changes in 2019
Blog changes in 2019

In July 2017 I made a change here in my blog, I migrated to Hugo. I reported everything in the post Migrating to Hugo. Almost a year later, I decided to make more changes, all reported in the post Blog Changes 2018. Now the time has come for some more changes. I continue to use the excellent and powerful Hugo, further exploring its functionality and even learning a little more about Go....