Jaydson Gomes

Software development, random capitalist daydreams, technology and society

Deno: Hello World

Another vlog for the BrazilJS channel.
As promised, a hands-on video with #Deno!
In this video I show how to install Deno, run an example and how to create a server!

Optional chaining - New JavaScript features in ES2020

Another vlog for the BrazilJS channel.
This is the second video in the video series addressing the new JavaScript functionality in ECMA2020, the latest update to the language specification.
Now I show how optional chaining works, a feature that allows you to read nested values in JavaScript objects without having to make validations.

Deno: What is it and what it means for the Node.js world

Another vlog for the BrazilJS channel.
Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
The release of its version 1.0 is drawing a lot of attention from the technology communities around the world.
But, after all, what is Deno? Does it replace Node.js or some other technology? Will Deno end Node.js? What are their differences and proposals?
Check out the answers in this video!

Imagem do post com o título: Acid for the Children: Flea Memoir
Acid for the Children: Flea Memoir

Acid for the Children: Flea Memoir Acid for the children was released in 2019. This is the title of Michael Peter Balzary’s (Flea) memoir, which for those who doesn’t know, is the legendary bass player of one of the biggest bands in the Rock history, Red Hot Chili Peppers. The book was on my list of books to read in 2020, but I couldn’t wait. I skipped the line, and what a journey!...

Imagem do post com o título: Fuck You Instagram 🖕
Fuck You Instagram 🖕

Quit Instagram. I’m serious. Navigate to the website or the app and delete your account. Do it now, without fear. You don’t even have to backup your data, I guarantee in a few months your photos and videos will not be missed. ⌛️⌛️⌛️ Loading… Done? Of course not. It’s all right. It’s really hard, I understand. Perhaps Jaron Lanier will convince you, in text, in the book “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now”:...

Imagem do post com o título: Undone

Undone cover Amazon Prime shows are surprising me a lot. Today I bring a review of the last show I binge-watched: Undone. The synopsis is as follows: A woman discovers she has a new relationship with time after surviving a car accident that almost killed her The show was created by Kate Purdy and Raphael Bob-Waksberg. Raphael is the creator of one of my favorite shows, BoJack Horseman and Kate also worked on the series as a writer....

Dynamic Imports - New JavaScript features in ES2020

Another vlog for the BrazilJS channel.
This is the first in a series of videos addressing the new JavaScript features in ECMA2020, the latest update to the language specification.
To start, I show you how dynamic imports work, a feature long awaited by the community.

General Data Protection Law LGPD postponed to 2021 (video)

Another vlog for the BrazilJS channel.
In early April (2020) the Brazilian Senate unanimously approved the postponement of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).
What are the dangers of actions during the pandemic?

TOP 5 BEST JavaScript libs that were hype in the past

Another vlog for BrazilJS’ channel.
ReactJS, VueJS, Preact, Angular, Svelte and many others are currently known libraries and frameworks, but how was this dispute years ago? Know the precursors of everything that exists today.

Permanent Record - A autobiografia de Edward Snowden (video)

Another vlog for BrazilJS’ channel.
Permanent Record is Snowden’s autobiography title.
Beyond the details of his life since childhood and going through adolescence, the book show us how Snowden exposes to the world the dystopian scheme elaborated by the US government.