In August 2019, the 9th BrazilJS Conf edition took place, an event of which I am one of the founders.
We learned a lot from this journey of almost a decade. Year after year we learn and change it when necessary.
We live in scary times and I couldn’t help but dialog with everyone present in a transparent and sincere way.
Some people asked me about the speech, asking if I wouldn’t be pushing people who do not agree with BrazilJS’s position.
But wait a minute, what positioning?
My answer was the same for everyone: There are only two sides, the right and the wrong, and I fully believe that myself and my company are on the right one.
It’s not hard to understand, it’s not about politics, ideology or opinion.
We are on the right side. The side where hatred is not preached, the side where people come first, the side where everyone has equal rights and opportunities. It’s simple, really.
If you agree with me or have a minimum open mind, keep reading the post and see my speech at the opening.

Jaydson no palco na abertura do evento BrazilJS Conf 2019

BrazilJS Conf, August 23, 2019, 09:30am

Good morning everyone!
Thank you so much for being here once again witnessing what is the biggest JavaScript conference in the world!
I meam, really! Do you know this?
A programming language that until recently was treated as a toy, today is the most popular language in the world.
JS is ubiquitous.
And BrazilJS Conf is the biggest event of this language, and it happens here in Brazil, here in Porto Alegre. This is unimaginable!
Well, this is the 9th edition. It’s been 9 consecutive years doing this. And we are ready for the 10th, 15th and 20th.

In these 9 years a lot has changed.
We live in “scary” times.
We are in a dystopian present.
(I think we spent a lot of time on Netflix and now it looks like we’re in the upside down)
We have deniers again.
Deniers of science, deniers of culture, deniers of basic things, such as the minimum of human rights.
“Ah, here comes Jaydson again to talk about non-technical issues at a technology conference.”

BrazilJS only exists in the first place for just one simple reason: the community, for the people.
Yes, Felipe and I believed in JavaScript, in technology, but the main thing was always the community.
And what a better place to talk about all kinds of subjects than a technology conference, where everyone is crazy to solve problems. Problems are solved for? For people.

And that is the point, there is no technology event just for technology. Technology is cool, you will have more than 20 talks here, original content, hackathon, extra events, challenges, your head will boil, but you are not here just for that (I believe), you are here for something more.
You are here for the people.
You are here to talk to someone who helped you on Twitter once, to talk to the speaker who does a work that inspires you.
That is the real reason why we are all here today. To make connections, to learn, and to make a better world.

Tech events are really a good place to discuss all kinds of issues, and we do it proudly here at BrazilJS.
I wish everyone an excellent event, I hope BrazilJS Conf 2019 can mark your life, I hope you leave the conference with more ideas, willing to learn even more and most importantly, leave with a open mind not only for technology, but for life.

At BrazilJS we are not deniers of science. We are not culture deniers.
At the end, we’ll leave and test everything that has been said, this is science.
Only culture saves, for that, I present to you: DoubleTap (DoubleTap was the band that accompanied the whole event, bringing acoustic rock readings, pop, classics and songs chosen by the people who spoke at the event)!