Last October 29 I gave a talk at FIC 2019.
FIC, which is organized by ABRADI, is a traditional event in Porto Alegre.

FIC19’s theme - New Digital Order - originates from people who, when involved with the conception and curation of the festival in recent years, observed the need to unite content already covered, making the event more interdisciplinary and cross-cutting.

My talk title was “How to save the Internet: There is still time for re-decentralization”.


Human creative and destructive power is amazing.
Whether it is unconsciously causing mammoth extinction in Eurasia, or consciously wiping out native tribes in favor of colonization, our greatest virtue sometimes puts us in checkmate.
In the 60s we created one of the greatest tools in human history: The Internet.
However, we are managing to destroy it even before it fully exploits its potential and positive impact on the evolution of society and humanity itself.

Here are my slides (in portuguese):